Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 14. pro 2008 10:04:00

Most people don't think that new-born children could be the Creator of their own reality because they are not even talking, yet. But the Universe is not responding to your language, anyway. The Universe is responding to your vibration -- and your vibration is about the way you feel.

Excerpted from a workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, June 20th, 1998
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 18. pro 2008 9:20:52

Abraham is not about guiding anyone toward or away from anything. We want you to make all of your decisions about your desire. Our only desire is that you discover the way to achieve your desires.

Excerpted from a workshop in Monterey, CA on Tuesday, March 20th, 2001
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 22. pro 2008 23:06:25

Overwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You're just not ready to receive it right now.

Excerpted from a workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Monday, May 13th, 2002
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 25. pro 2008 10:37:45

The "devil" is a fictional character made up (and perpetuated) by insecure humans who want to control other insecure humans. There's a lot of power in fear, isn't there? There shouldn't be, because, really, what fear is, is power-less. If you understood Source, as we do, you would never fashion such fiction because there is only Well-Being that flows from that which is your Source.

Excerpted from a workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 6th, 2004
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pát 26. pro 2008 16:46:23

No matter what the issue is, don't try to justify why you don't feel good. And don't try to justify why you should feel differently. Don't try to blame whatever it is you think the reason is that's keeping you from feeling good. All of that is wasted effort. Just try to feel better right now.

Excerpted from a workshop in Tallahassee, FL on Sunday, January 21st, 2001
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » sob 27. pro 2008 10:52:01

It does not matter whether you are living in a country where there are some frequent terrorist attacks, or in a country where there are random acts of violence. It does not matter what the culture is -- it is only the feeling of vulnerability that ever puts you into a vibrational harmony with that which you fear. When you realize that by working to achieve your feeling of Well-being, it is then impossible for you to ever rendezvous with anything other than Well-being -- that is the only place that freedom will ever be.

Excerpted from a workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, August 18th, 2001
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 28. pro 2008 11:28:55

If your desire is strong enough, it doesn't matter what your beliefs are. If you have a desire that is strong enough, that desire will be the dominant vibration, and it will over-ride any other vibration that you have.

Excerpted from a workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, September 13th, 1997
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 29. pro 2008 11:20:24

It should only be talked about if the talking will make you feel better. It is of no value, ever, to activate and talk about something that doesn’t feel good, because it reactivates it in your vibration; it makes it another point of your point of attraction—so you’re less clear.

In other words, when you focus upon the problems of others, you diminish your ability to help them. People believe that you’ve got to focus upon the problem in order to find a solution. And we say, no solution ever comes forth—it’s never inspired; you never recognize it, and you are never able to facilitate or achieve it—from your place of focusing on the problem. They are two entirely different vibrations. If you have someone who has many things going wrong and one thing going right, beat the drum of what’s going right, and let that be your point of attraction. If you focus upon their problems, you achieve vibrational harmony with something other than the Source that gives you solution.

Excerpted from a workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 23rd, 2003
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 01. led 2009 11:37:17

"But, what if what I want and what you want are in conflict? If I want rain, and you've just cut your alfalfa…how does that work?" If you will focus upon the essence of what you want (which is a magnificent new crop) and the other will focus upon the essence of what they want (which is a successful alfalfa harvest, or whatever)… and if either one of you doesn't get too involved in the details of how you think you want your desire to play out, then both of you can be satisfied. The Universe has the facility to orchestrate circumstances and events to accommodate everyone.

Excerpted from a workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Wednesday, September 1st, 2004
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 04. led 2009 10:27:37

You are on the leading edge of thought, taking thought beyond that which it has been before. Who cares what thoughts have led up to this. You're standing in the fresh now, and many of the thoughts that you vehemently oppose are the very thoughts that have given you the desire that has attracted the clarity of where you now stand. No matter how awful you think they might be, all were of value in the evolution forward. Every one of them.

Excerpted from a workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » úte 06. led 2009 10:28:47

There is not a stream of badness and a stream of goodness, or sickness or wellness. There is only a Stream of Well-being. The question that you're wanting to ask yourself is, "In this moment, am I letting it in or not? Am I allowing it or am I not?"

Excerpted from a workshop in Cleveland, OH on Tuesday, July 11th, 2000
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » stř 07. led 2009 9:04:50

Everything that I think that I need to do is all only in order to propel me to some place that when I get there, I think I will be happier. So, everything that I am doing, no matter what it is, all of my lists of rights and wrongs… are all about me getting to a manifestation that I believe I will then be happier... So, why don’t I take a short cut and just go get happy?

Excerpted from a workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 1st, 2004
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » čtv 08. led 2009 18:59:26

We would like you to release the word "achieve" or "earn" from your vocabulary and from your understanding, altogether, and we would like you to replace those words with the word "allow". You're wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It's not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn't something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.

Excerpted from a workshop in Detroit, MI on Saturday, July 8th, 2000
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pát 09. led 2009 9:12:06

To hold someone as your object of attention while you're connected to Source Energy, is the greatest gift that anyone could give. When you're not happy, you don't have anything to give. And so, what it literally means is be happy, because you cannot give anyone something that you do not feel

Excerpted from a workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, August 18th, 2001
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 11. led 2009 10:13:42

You can live comfortably and joyfully and resiliently and healthfully as long as you have desire that summons life through you. People don't die because they pass through time. They die because they don't allow this arena to stimulate decisions. The only reason people ever die is either because they have stopped making decisions about being here, or they have made decisions about being Nonphysical.

Excerpted from a workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 21st, 1998
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pon 12. led 2009 11:08:44

So the big question is, "Well, do I just dump all those unwanted things and try to start fresh?" And we say, no. You just set the Tone, where you are, by looking for things to appreciate. And by setting your Tone in a very clear deliberate way, anything that doesn't match it gravitates out of your experience, and anything that does match it gravitates into your experience. It is so much simpler than most of you are allowing yourself to believe.

Excerpted from a workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 4th, 1997
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » úte 13. led 2009 9:13:43

When you say "Yes" to something, you include something you do want in your experience. When you say "No" to something, you include something you don't want in your experience.

Excerpted from a workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 15th, 1997
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » pát 16. led 2009 11:43:20

Your personal emotional guidance system operates in a similar way to an electronic guidance system. You cannot receive guidance outside of the routes (or beliefs) contained in your system. Your Emotional Guidance System of Relativity is based only upon your active vibrations (beliefs) and their relationship with your desired destination. (Remember, a belief is really only a thought that you keep thinking.)
The Amazing Power of Intent,pg. 41
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » sob 17. led 2009 8:31:58

What do you think that Jesus meant when he said, "The meek shall inherit the world?" He meant, in a place of non resistance all things desired flow.
- Abraham-Hicks -
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Re: Abraham: Výroky na (téměř) každý den (anglicky)

Příspěvekod Petr » ned 18. led 2009 9:55:29

You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted. To connect with the energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention. Not because the objects of attention are important, but because the act of flowing is essential to life.

Excerpted from a workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
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